Search by tag: zebra finch

Conference – ISIZ

Sue, Lauren, and former lab member Maria Tello-Ramos attended the 9th International Symposium of Integrative Zoology (ISIZ) in Xining, China. Sue gave a plenary talk on ‘Animal cognition in 2017’, co-chaired an animal…

Conference – Behaviour 2017

The Healy lab descended in full force on the Behaviour 2017 conference (perhaps partially because it was held in sunny Portugal, see image at end). Sue certainly had a full programme. Not only was there a book launch…

Conference – Postgraduate Conference

Several members of the Healy lab attended the University of St Andrews’ annual biology postgraduate conference, with different roles for each. Georgina gave a presentation on the foraging preferences of rufous…

Outreach – even more Research Illustration!

Yet another Healy lab member has engaged with the Research Illustrations project! Alexis has written a brief explanation of her PhD project (nest building in zebra finches) and it is now accompanied by some beautiful…

Dundee Science Festival

If you went to the Dundee Science Festival you might have caught up with some of the Healy lab! Lauren, Sue, Eira, Alexis, and Sophie spent the day talking and interacting with members of the public, using hand-on…

Nest Construction Conference

The Nest Construction and Function 2015 conference, held in Lincoln, was attended by Alexis, Lauren, Eira, and Sue:   Alexis giving her talk on how male zabra finches learn about and attend to multiple physical…


We’ve had a busy few weeks here at the Healy lab, jetting off to all sorts of conferences: Eira presented not one but two posters for the ESEB meeting at the University of Lausanne, in Switzerland. Both posters focus…