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Conference – ISIZ

Sue, Lauren, and former lab member Maria Tello-Ramos attended the 9th International Symposium of Integrative Zoology (ISIZ) in Xining, China. Sue gave a plenary talk on ‘Animal cognition in 2017’, co-chaired an animal…

Fieldwork 2017

  Another successful field season completed this year, where Sue, Andy, and Georgina were joined by four undergraduate students from the University of St Andrews (two of which were gathering data for their Honours…

Well done David!

David has been awarded a grant by the National Geographic Society’s Committee for Research and Exploration to study the ability of hummingbirds to relocate a reward in 3-D. This means that David will be heading out to…

Conference – Behaviour 2017

The Healy lab descended in full force on the Behaviour 2017 conference (perhaps partially because it was held in sunny Portugal, see image at end). Sue certainly had a full programme. Not only was there a book launch…

Fieldwork in the Canadian rockies

Another successful fieldwork season in the Canadian rockies! David and Georgina were joined by former Healy lab member Dr Maria Tello-Ramos, as well as three undergraduates from the University of St Andrews (Vicki,…