Behaviour 2013 Conference

Ida Bailey
Monday 15 July 2013

Behaviour 2013 was the joint 33rd meeting of the International Council of Ethologists and the Association For The Study of Animal Behaviour. It was attended by six members of the Healy lab, all of whom presented posters or gave talks.

Maria Tello Ramos-Poster: “Sequence learning and traplining in hummingbirds.”

Coffe time at Behaviour 2013: From the left- Lauren Guillette, Jeff Graves, Ida Bailey, Maria Tello Ramos, David Pritchard
Coffee time at Behaviour 2013: From the left- Lauren Guillette, Zac Hall, Jeff Graves, Ida Bailey, Maria Tello Ramos, David Pritchard



Ida Bailey– Talk and session chair: “Nest building materials: birds pick the right stuff.” Avian cognition and neuroscience session.

Lauren Guillette– Talk: “Do zebra finches copy?” Social Learning session.

Lauren Guillette presenting her talk
Lauren Guillette presenting her talk

Zac Hall– Talk: “Nest construction in birds: Building the neural circuits.” Brain size, cognition and evolution session.

Zac Hall presenting his talk
Zac Hall presenting his talk

Sue Healy-Talk and symposium organiser/ chair: “Using nest building in birds to examine the basis of physical cognition.” Avian cognition symposium.

David Pritchard– Poster: “Landmark Learning in Wild Rufous Hummingbirds Selasphorous rufus