Nest building in the brain: papers
Hall, Z.J., Street, S.E., Auty, S., & Healy, S.D. 2015. The coevolution of building nests on the ground and domed nests in Timaliidae. The Auk: July 2015, Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 584-593.
Hall, Z.J., Healy, S.D. &. Meddle, S.L. 2015. A role for nonapeptides and dopamine in nest-building behaviour. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 27: 158-165.
Hall, Z.J., Bertin, M., Bailey, I.E., Meddle, S.L. & Healy, S.D. 2014. Neural correlates of nesting behavior in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Behavioural Brain Research 264: 26-33.
Hall, Z. J., Street, S. & Healy, S.D. 2013. The evolution of cerebellum structure correlates with nest complexity. Biology Letters 9: 20130687