Search by month: may 2015

Paper published: Evolution of nest structure

Congratulations to Dr Zach Hall, a former PhD student of the Healy lab, and co-authors whose recent publication on the evolution of different nest-structures built by Timaliidae has been a topic of discussion in the…

Nest building in the brain: papers

Hall, Z.J., Street, S.E., Auty, S., & Healy, S.D. 2015. The coevolution of building nests on the ground and domed nests in Timaliidae. The Auk: July 2015, Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 584-593. Hall, Z.J., Healy, S.D. &.…

Material structure papers

Bailey, I.E., Morgan, K.V., Bertin, M., Meddle, S.L. & Healy, S.D.  2014. Physical cognition: birds learn the structural efficacy of nest material. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281: 1784 Muth, F. & Healy,…

Nest colour papers

Bailey, I. E., Muth, F., Morgan, K., Healy, S. D. 2015. Birds build camouflaged nests. AUK 132 (1): 11-15   Muth, F., Steele, M., Healy, S.D. 2013. Colour preferences in nest-building zebra finches. Behavioural…

Individuality papers

Bailey, I. E., Backes, A., Walsh, P.T., Morgan, K.V., Meddle, S.L., & Healy, S.D. 2015. Image analysis of weaverbird nests reveals signature weave patterns. The Royal Society Open Science, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.150074…

Cognition and the brain

Griffin, A.S., Gillette, L.M. & Healy, S.D. 2015. Cognition and personality: an analysis of an emerging field. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 1907: 1-8 Rowe, C. & Healy, S.D. 2014.  Measuring cognition will be…

Spatial memory papers

Flores-Abreu, I. N., Hurly, T.A., Ainge, J.A. & Healy, S.D.  2014.  3-D space: locomotory style explains memory differences in rats and hummingbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281: 1784 Hurly, T.A., Fox,…

Social learning papers

Guillette, L.M., Morgan, K.V., Hall, Z.J, Bailey, I.E. & Healy, S.D. 2014. Food preference and copying behaviour in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Behavioral Processes 109 (B): 145-150 Guillette, L.M. & Healy,…

Food storing

Healy, S.D., de Kort, S.R. & Clayton, N.S. 2005. The hippocampus, spatial memory and food hoarding- a puzzle revisited. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20 (1): 17-22 Healy, S.D. & Krebs, J.R. 1996. Food storing and the…

Stress and memory

Harris, A.P., D’Eath, R.B. & Healy, S.D. 2010. A cage without a view increases stress and impairs cognitive performance in rats. Animal Welfare 19 (3): 235-241. Harris, A.P., D’Eath, R.B. & Healy, S.D. 2009.…